Config Files in Azure Data Factory

As you know I have started to use Visual Studio to publish my ADF solutions to the Azure cloud. I like it for ease of use and integration with TFS. I came across a piece of functionality that I had not seen before but currently is really only half baked (it works fine but the implementation needs work).
The feature is configs. On your project right click and choose Add | New Item.



The properties are easy to specify and I would imagine the most often specified property will be the connectionString for a linked service. Like this


OK so that part is easy and makes sense. The next part is where the dots are not joined up yet. As you can see from my project below I have two config files. One for Dev and one for UAT


When I build the project in the Release/Debug folder it creates sub folders for each of the configurations. The configuration parameters have been applied to my JSON objects. I can then take these files from the relevant folder and deploy them to the correct ADF using Powershell or the Portal

config folders

This seems very long winded and not really a good experience. Another way to do it is:

  • Right Click on your project | Unload Project
  • Right Click Project | Edit xxxx.dfproj
  • Find the section ADFConfigFileToPublish
  • Insert your config name (I.e.DevConfig.json)
  • Save | reload the project

  • In the future I fully expect a better “deployment with config” experience.